Personal data processing policy of supplier and partner customers

The writer Dauvea Company SRL informs that, for the management of the current contractual relationship, you are the holder of your data qualified as personal data under EU Regulation 2016/679, below  GDPR; therefore, belowyou provide the Interested parties with the information required by law regarding the processing of your personal data.

Treatment Owner

The owner of the treatment is Dauvea SRL  Via  Riva Villasanta,  233  –  09134 Cagliari (CA)– P.I  03718890928  in the person of the legal representative who is domiciled at the headquarters of the Company,  contactable at the following e-mail address:  

Legal Basis and Purpose of Treatment

The legal basis on which the treatment of your personal data is based is the execution of the contract and the fulfilment of legal obligations, to which the Holder is subject and of which you – as An Interested – is a party. As stipulated by art. 6, par. 1, lett. (b) of the GDPR, the provision of personal data is mandatory for the purposes contained below. Any refusal to provide all or part of them may result in Dauvea  SRL’s inability to implement the contract or to carry out all the tasks, such as fiscal, administrative and technical, related tasks. Please note that, in accordance with the purposes of the explicit treatment, your data will be processed by  Dauvea SRL.



Personal data

Categories of Recipients

Execution of pre-tax measures at the conclusion of sales or service contracts

Common data including personal data, home address, email phone details

·         Employees of Dauvea SRL  who, by role or function, treat their data for the performance of their duties

·         Third-party suppliers

Contractual obligations in the Face of the Interested

Common data including home address,email phone details

Employees of Dauvea SRL  who, by role or function, treat their data for the performance of their duties

Consultants assigned for advice, assistance or services to our facility;

Third-party suppliers

Mandatory under current laws or regulations

Common data including home address, email phone details.

·         Public Administrations and Authorities, where required by law, members of the Control Bodies;

·         Legal representatives, curators, guardians, etc.

Operational, management, accounting, design or subsuleal needs

Common data including home address, email phone details.

Employees of Dauvea SRL  who, by role or function, treat their data for the performance of their duties

Consultants assigned for advice, assistance or services to our facility;

·         Third-party suppliers


Transferring personal data

All data collected will not be subject to any transfer outside the EU. If it is necessary to transfer personal data outside the European Union, it will only be for the purposes listed above, and only to countries that give adequate guarantees of protection of personal data or by adopting the appropriate technical, legal and organizational security measures provided by the GDPR.


Security measures

The Holder, in line with recital No. 49 of the GDPR, it deals, also through its suppliers (third parties and/or recipients), your personal data to a strictly necessary and proportionate extent to ensure the security of networks and information, i.e. the ability of a network or information system to withstand, at a given level of security, unforeseen events or unlawful or malicious acts that compromise the availability, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of data.

The Holder will promptly inform the Interested person if there is a particular risk of breaching your personal data, subject to the obligations arising from the requirements of art. 33 GDPR related to personal data breach notifications.

Rights of the Interested

The GDPR, in addition to guaranteeing the right to complain to the Control Authority, which for Italy is the Guarantee Authority for the protection of personal data, confers the following rights to the Interested:

  • Right of access (art.15): The Person can confirm whether or not personal data is being processed and to obtain further information, including the purpose of the processing, categories of personal data and recipients.
  • Right to rectify (art.16): The Person may obtain the correct personal data from the Holder.
  • Right to Cancel (art.17): The Person may request the deletion of personal data concerning him where there is one of the reasons provided by the article, including: the withdrawal of consent, the unlawful treatment and the exercise of the right of defence.
  • Right to limitation (art.18): The ability for the Person to obtain the limitation, configurable as a total or partial suspension of the treatment of the data or even in some cases as a immobilization of the same. This can only be requested in exceptional cases expressly determined by the rule, including the period required to ascertain the accuracy of personal data, unlawful treatment, and the exercise of a legal right.
  • Right to data portability (art.20): The Person has the right to request that his data be disclosed to him, in the exercise of his rights in an easily understandable format.
  • Right of Opposition (art.21): The Person could be allowed for reasons related to his particular situation to oppose the treatment of him under Article 6 paragraph 1, letters e) and f).
  • The right not to submit to automated processes (art.22) The Person may object to the subject to processes based solely on automated treatment in the event that they produce legal effects that affect him or significantly affect his person.

Please note that if you exercise one or more of the rights mentioned above, your personal data will be communicated by the Holder to the recipients of the related compliance treatment (Article 19 of the GDPR).

Time to retain personal data

Your personal data will be retained as long as it is necessary to implement the legitimate purposes for which it has been collected, that is, even after the end of the collaboration for the fulfillment of any legal and tax obligations related to or arising from the conclusion of the contract itself.